8 Steps to Finding the Perfect Myopia Treatment

8 Steps to Finding the Perfect Myopia Treatment

8 Steps to Finding the Perfect Myopia Treatment

8 Steps to Finding the Perfect Myopia Treatment

8 Steps to Finding the Perfect Myopia Treatment

Myopia is one of the most common refractive errors in adults and children in the United States. According to experts, more and more children are getting myopia diagnoses yearly. 

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a condition that affects distant vision. Objects far away tend to seem blurry and get clearer as the distance reduces. It begins to develop while you are young and progresses until your eyes stop developing. However, there are cases where it continues progressing even to adulthood.

So, how do you treat myopia?


Treatments for Myopia

Several options are available for myopia treatment. Each is unique and offers different advantages.



The most common treatment for myopia is eyeglasses. Especially for children, glasses are the primary treatment option available to them. They are easy to care for and not easy to lose. They are quick and effective. The eyeglasses change the angle of light that enters the eye, correcting the refractive error. 


Contact Lenses

The second most common treatment for myopia is contact lenses. They are more common in adults, especially if they are active. You can get different contacts, such as overnight or implantable contacts.


Laser Surgery

The other option for myopia treatment is laser eye surgery. It is one of the most desired options since it gives you complete freedom. Once you get the surgery, you will not need to worry about myopia for another ten years. 


How to Find the Perfect Treatment

Here are some steps to take when choosing the treatment that is perfect for you.


Doctor’s Recommendation


The first step in finding the perfect treatment starts with the eye doctor’s recommendations. After your eye exam results, an eye doctor at Great Lakes Vision Care will give you the treatments that can work for you.


Know Your Level of Myopia

Different people have different levels of myopia. Some treatments, like ortho-k lenses, only work for people with mild to moderate myopia. So, knowing your level of myopia will help you make a better decision.


Consider Existing Eye Conditions

If you have some existing eye conditions, they may limit the types of treatment available to you. For instance, dry eye can make wearing contacts challenging.

Think About Your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle will play a critical part in the type of treatment you will choose. If you play sports or are very active, you need something that gives you that freedom.

Decide Your Personal Preference

You may like a particular treatment because it makes you look good. For instance, you may opt for designer glasses or colored contacts. 

Consider the Budget

Some treatments are more expensive than others. You will need to consider how much you are willing to spend or if your insurance covers the cost of the treatment.


Some treatments mean that you will take significant amounts of time in maintenance. Some only need an initial amount of time, like implantable lenses or laser surgery.

Choose Comfort

You will have to live with your choice for some time. It is best to choose a treatment you are comfortable with.

For more on finding the perfect myopia treatment, visit Great Lakes Vision Care at our office in Monroe, Michigan. Call (734) 212-5157 to book an appointment today.

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