What Are The Benefits Of Vision Therapy For Children?

What Are The Benefits Of Vision Therapy For Children?

What Are The Benefits Of Vision Therapy For Children?

What Are The Benefits Of Vision Therapy For Children?

What Are The Benefits Of Vision Therapy For Children?

Vision is more than just the ability to see clearly. It is an intricate system that plays a significant role in how we process and understand the world around us. Vision involves a complex combination of learned skills including tracking, fixation, focus change, binocular fusion, and maintaining visualization. When these skills are not properly developed or are poorly balanced, vision problems can occur.

Vision therapy is a type of physical therapy for the eyes and brain, aimed at enhancing vision skills such as eye movement control and eye coordination. It involves a series of individualized activities and exercises which are performed under doctor supervision to correct vision problems and improve visual efficiency and comfort.

As a non-surgical, non-invasive solution, vision therapy is often used as a viable option for addressing numerous vision problems. However, where it really shines is in its application for children.

Understanding Vision Problems in Children


Vision problems in children are more common than most people think. According to the American Optometric Association, up to 25% of students in grades K-6 have visual problems that are serious enough to impede learning. Often, vision problems in children can be mistaken for learning or behavioral issues, as these kids struggle to express what they're experiencing.

Children may face various vision problems such as lazy eye (amblyopia), crossed eyes (strabismus), double vision (diplopia), and reading and learning disabilities. Many of these problems are not effectively treated with just glasses or surgery. They require a different approach—vision therapy.

Vision problems can significantly impact a child's life, affecting their academic performance, physical abilities, and even their self-esteem. Children with untreated vision problems can struggle in school, often being labeled as "lazy" or "unfocused," when in reality, they are simply struggling with an unaddressed vision problem.

What is Vision Therapy for Children?


Vision therapy for children is a personalized program designed to improve and strengthen visual skills and abilities, improving a child's ability to process and interpret visual information. It is a kind of physical therapy for the eyes, brain, and visual system.

Vision therapy involves a series of activities and exercises conducted under the guidance of a vision therapist. These activities may include the use of lenses, prisms, filters, computerized visual activities, and non-computerized viewing instruments. Non-medical tools, such as balance boards, metronomes, and other devices can also play important roles in a customized vision therapy program.

While vision therapy for children does not 'cure' the eye conditions as such, it helps children develop better visual skills, allowing them to process visual information more effectively. It is an excellent tool to help children with learning-related vision problems, such as reading difficulties, poor comprehension, reading below grade level, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, etc.

The Importance of Vision Therapy for Children


Vision plays a crucial role in a child's learning and development. According to the American Public Health Association, about 80% of learning in a classroom occurs through a child's visual system. Hence, ensuring the optimal function of this system through vision therapy is vital.

Vision therapy for children is especially important for those with learning-related vision issues. Vision therapy can help improve eye tracking skills, focus, visual memory, and other skills crucial for reading. By improving these skills, vision therapy can significantly impact a child's academic performance.

Additionally, vision therapy also plays an important role in enhancing a child's coordination, balance, and other motor skills. These improvements can boost a child's performance in sports and other physical activities, enhancing their overall quality of life.

Key Benefits of Vision Therapy for Children


The benefits of vision therapy for children can be life-changing. Here are some of the key benefits:


  • Improved Academic Performance: Vision therapy can greatly improve a child’s visual efficiency - their ability to capture and process visual information in a fast and effortless way. This can lead to improvements in reading, writing, and learning capabilities.

  • Enhanced Reading and Learning Skills: Vision therapy can improve visual skills like eye tracking, focus, and visual memory, which are essential for reading and learning.

  • Better Hand-Eye Coordination: Through vision therapy, children can develop better hand-eye coordination, improving their performance in sports and other physical activities.

  • Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem: As children improve their visual capabilities, they often see a boost in their academic performance and physical abilities, leading to an increase in their confidence and self-esteem.

  • Prevention of Vision Loss: Early detection and treatment of vision problems through vision therapy can prevent more serious vision loss in the future.

Explore the Benefits of Vision Therapy for Your Child Today


Vision therapy for children can offer numerous benefits, from improved academic performance to enhanced self-esteem. It is an invaluable tool in ensuring your child's visual health and overall development. If your child is struggling with a vision problem, consider vision therapy as a viable solution. It may just be the key to unlocking their full potential.

For more information on the benefits of vision therapy for children, contact Great Lakes Vision Care at our office in Monroe, Michigan. Call (734) 212-5157 to discuss any questions with our team of experts or to schedule an appointment today.

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